books by author

Dinosaur Stories That Really Happened

Historical Stories: The Story of a World War II Evacuee

Illegal: a graphic novel telling one boy's epic journey to Europe

Roald Dahl and His Chocolate Factory (Horribly Famous)

Alien Encyclopedia

Disaster at Sea (DK Readers Level 3)

The Truly Tasteless Scratch and Sniff Book (Funfax S.)

The Bugman (Tremors): 60

DK Readers L4: Danger on the Mountain: Scaling the World's Highest Peaks (DK Readers Level 4)

DK Readers L3: Bermuda Triangle (DK Readers Level 3)

The Weird World of William Shakespeare

Spooky Spinechillers (DK Readers: Proficient level 4)

Colour Me Crazy (Colour Jets)

William Shakespeare and his Dramatic Acts (Horribly Famous)

Dead Giveaways

Super Scientists: The Comet Of Doom: The Story Of Edmond Halley's Comet: Story of Halley's Comet

The Footprints Mystery (Colour Jets)

Blood, Sweat and Tears: The Evolution of Work

Illegal: A graphic novel telling one boy's epic journey to Europe

Roald Dahl's Life in Stories

Viking Blood; A Viking Warrior AD 1008 (My Story)

Zeppelin - The Age of the Airship (DK Readers Level 3)

Harry's Battle Of Britain (Historical Storybooks)
Super Scientists: The Comet Of Doom: The Story Of Edmond Halley's Comet: Story of Halley's Comet

The Unsinkable Titanic (Historical Storybooks)

Super Scientists: Cosmic Professor: The Story Of Albert Einstein

Night Skies (Tremors)

Cosmic Kev (Colour Jets)

Space (Stories That Really Happened S.)