books by author

Fairytales in Cross-stitch (The cross stitch collection)

Favourite Fairy Tales

Meditations Through the Year

Mein großer Vorleseschatz zur Weihnachtszeit: Die schönsten Bilderbuchgeschichten

Snowbear's Winter Day

Making Liturgy: Creating Rituals for Life

A London Life, 1930-1960: Other Days, Other Ways

Canaletto (Italian masters)

Creative Energies: Integrative Energy Psychotherapy for Self-Expression and Healing: Integrative Energy Psychology for Self-expression and Healing (Norton Energy Psychology)

Lacemaking: The Gentle Art (Lace Making)

Becoming A Writer

Making All Things New: A Vision for a Renewed Priesthood in the Catholic Church

Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Preventive Medicine: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 3e

Dorothea's War: The Diaries of a First World War Nurse

Becoming A Writer

Nursery Rhymes in Cross Stitch (The cross stitch collection)

"Good Housekeeping" Needlepoint (Pattern Library)

Meredith, the Witch Who Wasn't

Honeybee Neurobiology and Behavior: A Tribute to Randolf Menzel

NGOs as Legitimate Partners of Corporations: A Political Conceptualization: 36 (Issues in Business Ethics, 36)

Inspiration in Cross Stitch


Sir Squirrel - Oak Tree Tales

Common Fragrance and Flavour Materials: Preparation, Properties and Uses

Introducing Feminist Theology (Feminist Theology S.)

Step by Step to Better Knitting and Crochet

"Good Housekeeping" Crochet (Pattern Library)