books by author
Dr Robert
Still Life and Washday (Shaun the Sheep)
Mathematics for Engineers 4e with MyMathLab Global
Just Here, Doctor!
What Next, Doctor?
Three Times A Day, Doctor: Just Here, Doctor , Not There, Doctor and What Next, Doctor?
The Road to Somewhere: A Creative Writing Companion
Theory and Practice of HIV Counselling: A Systemic Approach (Cassell Education)
Mathematics for Engineers
Scientific Blunders: A Brief History of How Wrong Scientists Can Sometimes Be
The Madness of Prince Hamlet and other extraordinary states of mind
The Essence of Professional Issues in Computing (Essence of Computing)
The Blessed Life: Unlocking the Rewards of Generous Living
Three Times A Day, Doctor: "Just Here, Doctor", "Not There, Doctor" and "What Next, Doctor?"
You're Still A Doctor, Doctor!
On Holiday Again, Doctor?
There You Are, Doctor!
Surely Not, Doctor!
Look Out, Doctor!
Self-help for Your Anxiety: The Proven "Anxiety Antidote" Method