books by author

OCR Design and Technology for GCSE: Electronics & Control Systems (Ocr Design & Technology/Gcse)

The Deal

Sacraments of Life, Life of the Sacraments: Story Theology

Tea Tree Oil: A Medicine Kit in a Bottle

The Elements of... - Shamanism

Block 5

British Battles: Life on the Front Lines of History

Vision Quest: A Personal Journey Through Magic and Shamanism

God Against the Gods

Beside the Seaside: Picture Postcard Album

Ethnic Mobilisation in a Multi-cultural Europe (Research in Ethnic Relations)

Sacraments of Life, Life of the Sacraments: Story Theology

Cost and Management Accounting: An Introduction

SAS Secret War

Shaman and the Magician: Journeys Between the Worlds

Shamanism (The Element Library)

Best Radio Plays of 1990: The Machine / A Butler Did it / Death and the Tango / Song of the Forest / the Pope's Brother


When I'm Big

Terror and Civilization: Christianity, Politics and the Western Psyche

The Danger of Words (Study in Philosophy Psychology)

Stepping Stones: The Making of Our Home World

Management and Cost Accounting
Mathematics for students of building

The Parables in the Gospels: History and Allegory

Management & Cost Accounting (Student's Manual)

Alfred Drury and the New Sculpture

Self Portraits of the Worlds Greatest Artists

Management Accounting for Business Decisions