books by author

The Elements of Drawing (Draw Books)

Mathematics Elementary Statistical Tables

Sparklers Level 1 - Worm Surfing

Sacred Ministry

Artifice of Ethics

The Tapestry Story : Celebrating 150 Years of the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

Anglican Religious Life 2014-15: A yearbook of religious orders and communities in the Anglican Communion and tertiaries, oblates, associates and companion

Principles of Chemistry

Preaching Through the Christian Year: Year 7: Sermon Outlines

Worked Examples in Probability and Distribution Theory

Elementary Statistical Tables

Interpreting Worship (Mowbray's Christian studies series)

Challenger Main Battle Tank 1982-97: No.23 (New Vanguard)

Sing His Glory: Hymns for the Three-Year Lectionary Years A, B & C

Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank 1987-2006: No. 112 (New Vanguard)

Special Services for Festivals and Occasions

The People Business: How Ten Leaders Drive Engagement Through Internal Communications

Music e (Songs of the Ages)

The Syntax-Morphology Interface: A Study of Syncretism (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, Series Number 109)

Analysis of Nonlinear Control Systems