books by author

Abstract and Floral Designs (Poster art series)

The Penguin Atlas of World History, Vol.2: From the French Revolution to the Present: v. 2 (Reference Books)
Reading Geological Maps

Data Bases and Data Base Systems: Concepts and Issues (CB series)

The Art of Chess Combination (Dover Chess)

Doctor Pascal (Pocket Classics S.)

Le Francais d'Aujourd'hui: Pt. 1 (New School S.)

Grey Pastures

Reading Geological Maps

An Introduction to Soil Science

Illustrated Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering: English, German, French, Dutch, Russian

The Home Tutor for Age Group 11 plus

G.C.E. Suppty.Bklet (Pt. 4) (New School S.)

Le Francais d'Aujourd'hui: Pt. 3 (New School S.)

Home Preparation Book for Age Group Eleven Plus

A Microprocessor Primer

Shaka Zulu

British Regiments, 1914-18

Wild Flowers of Chalk and Limestone (Cotman-color)
11+ Preparation Book

What Jung Really Said

Chronicle of the Cinema

Industrial Control Handbook

Textbook of Pharmaceutics

Shaka Zulu

Colonialism and Underdevelopment in East Africa: The Politics of Economic Change

Electronic Data Processing and Computers for Commercial Students

G.C.E (Pt. 4) (New School S.)

A Dictionary Of Life Sciences (Pan reference books)