books by author
Edward H.

Engineering Thermodynamics: In S.I.Units

History for a United World

Clinical Epidemiology

More Rapid Math Tricks and Tips: Tricks and Tips: 30 Days to Number Mastery

Epilepsy Behaviour and Cognitive Function

Fighter Pilots

Media Corruption in the Age of Information: 15 (Library of Public Policy and Public Administration, 15)

All in Good Faith

Paper Pilot: Paper Planes that Actually Fly

Open the Book

Open the Doors

Christian Life Style

An Introduction to Legal Reasoning (Phoenix Books)

Rapid Math Tricks & Tips: 30 Days to Number Power: Thirty Days to Number Power

Arithmetricks: 50 Easy Ways to Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide Without a Calculator

Preaching on Special Occasions: Vol 3 (Mowbray Sermon Outlines)