books by author

Str;Six Short Stories (Stories to Remember)

Str;Stories From Homer (Stories to Remember)

Str;Six Tales From (Stories to Remember)

Observer's Insects of The British Isles (Observer's Pocket)

The New Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency: The classic guide for realists and dreamers

Worse Things Happen at Sea

The Complete Mapp & Lucia: Volume One (Wordsworth Classics)

Small is Beautiful. A Study of Economics as if People Mattered.

Principles of Accounts - 7th Edition (M&E Handbooks)

Scale Problems in Hydrology: Runoff Generation and Basin Response: 6 (Water Science and Technology Library, 6)

Rubber Springs Design

Illustrated Handbook of Working in Wood

Observer's Book of Insects (Observer's Pocket S.)

Essential German Grammar (Dover Language Guides Essential Grammar)

Organic Chemistry: The Name Game - Modern Coined Terms and Their Origins