books by author

Walking After Midnight

Brides for Sale?: Human Trade in Yemen

OCR Media Studies for GCSE

Teach Yourself Revise GCSE Single Science (Teach Yourself Revision Guides (TY04))

Parzival: An Introduction

Who Killed Peggy Sue?: Dying to Win No. 1 (Teens S.)

Mary Had a Dinosaur (Twisters)

Classworks Non-Fiction Year 4

Keep Fit: Exercises for Everyone

Windows Onto God

Hitler's Reich (World Historical Programme)

Pregnancy and Parenthood (Oxford Paperbacks)

Henry and the Dragon

Such a Vision of the Street: Mother Teresa

Borstal Girl

The Internet-linked Introduction to Music

Red Rose, White Rose

Love in the Blitz: A Woman in a World Turned Upside Down

Moles - The 'Read About It' Series, Book Number 64

Spiders - The 'Read About It' Series, Book Number 65

Lizards - The 'Read About It' Series, Book Number 69

Ladybirds - The 'Read About It' Series, Book Number 72

Owls - The 'Read About It' Series, Book Number 59

Community Health: Issues In Management

Finn's Island

Five Go Mystry Moor 13 P[100 (Knight Books)

In a Minute


Lust, Caution (Penguin Modern Classics)