books by author

Crowds And Power (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics S.)

La Civilisation des moeurs

Auto-da-fé (L'Imaginaire)

Short Stories from Wales (Literature for Life S.)

Kafka's Other Trial: The Letters to Felice

Islam (Religions of the World)

The Memoirs of Elias Canetti: The Tongue Set Free, the Torch in My Ear, the Play of the Eyes

Little Mountain

Mood Disorders in Women

An Introduction to Structural Mechanics for Architects: 4 (Structural Integrity, 4)

PGD-Based Modeling of Materials, Structures and Processes (ESAFORM Bookseries on Material Forming)

We Belong to the Land: One Man's Mission to Spread Peace in a Country of Conflict

J'aime mon grand frère (2) (J'Aime Les Contes Du Soir)

Play of the Eyes

On Civilization, Power, and Knowledge: Selected Writings (Heritage of Sociology Series)

State Formation and Civilization (v. 2) (The Civilizing Process)

Crowds And Power

Cocky: The Rise and Fall of Curtis Warren, Britain's Biggest Drugs Baron

The Knights of Rhodes - The Palace and the City

The Haggadah. Passover Haggadah. With translation and a new commentary based on Talmudic, Midrashic and Rabbinic Sources.

Les Voix de Marrakech: Journal d'un voyage

The Tongue Set Free: Remembrance of a European Childhood (Picador Books)

Porte du soleil (la) bab n°586 (Babel)

Harley Loco: A Memoir of Hard Living, Hair and Post-Punk, from the Middle East to the Lower East Side

Contemporary Issues in the Law of Treaties

Reflections on a Life: An Agenda for a New World Order

Beyond the Ultimate Trivia Quiz Game Book

The Puffin Trivia Quiz Game Book (Puffin Books)

Neuropsychology: Clinical and Experimental Foundations