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Why Psychoanalysis? (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism)

By Roudinesco, Elisabeth

A la Vitesse de la lumière

By Cercas, Javier, Grujicic, Aleksandar, Beyer, Elisabeth

un autre

By Carey Peter, Peellaert, Elisabeth

Une légende russe

By Barillé, Elisabeth

Management of Microbial Resources in the Environment

By Malik, Abdul, Grohmann, Elisabeth, Alves, Madalena

The Value of Shame: Exploring a Health Resource in Cultural Contexts

By Vanderheiden, Elisabeth, Mayer, Claude-Hélène

Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research

By Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude, Hoffmann-Riem, Holger, Biber-Klemm, Susette, Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter, Joye, Dominique, Pohl, Christian, Wiesmann, Urs, Zemp, Elisabeth, Jager, Jill

Wombles The Great Cake Mystery

By Beresford, Elisabeth

Wombles Chaos on the Common

By Beresford, Elisabeth

The Great Womble Explorer: 6 (Wombles)

By Beresford, Elisabeth


By Gifford, Elisabeth

Living with Death and Dying (Condor Books)

By Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth

Service Life and Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structures: Selected Papers of the 8th International RILEM PhD Workshop held in Marne-la-Vallée, ... 26-27, 2016: 17 (RILEM Bookseries, 17)

By Andrade, Carmen, Gulikers, Joost, Marie-Victoire, Elisabeth

Research Handbook on Childhoodnature: Assemblages of Childhood and Nature Research (Springer International Handbooks of Education)

By Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, Amy, Malone, Karen, Barratt Hacking, Elisabeth

These Strange Ashes

By Elliot, Elisabeth

Cognitive Enhancement: An Interdisciplinary Perspective: 1 (Trends in Augmentation of Human Performance, 1)

By Hildt, Elisabeth, Franke, Andreas G.

Shansi Surprise: 5 (Wombles)

By Beresford, Elisabeth

Cottage Gardens (Letts Guides to Garden Design)

By Arter, Elisabeth

The Ghost Of Wimbledon Common (Wombles)

By Elisabeth Beresford, Beresford, Elisabeth

Instant Italian (Teach Yourself Instant Courses S.) (Book & CD pack)

By Smith, Elisabeth

Teach Yourself Instant Russian Third Edition Book (TYIC)

By Smith, Elisabeth

Rediscovering Friendship

By Moltmann-Wendel, Elisabeth, Bowden, John

Tomsk To The Rescue: 8 (Wombles)

By Elisabeth Beresford, Beresford, Elisabeth

Six Practical Lessons for an Easier Childbirth

By Bing, Elisabeth

Bears: The Solitary Rulers (Art of Being...)

By Baccega, Elisabeth

Why Arendt Matters (Why X Matters Series)

By Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth

The Latin American Kitchen

By Luard, Elisabeth

Wombles Camping and Cloudberries

By Beresford, Elisabeth

Rules of Disorder (Social worlds of childhood)

By Marsh, Peter E., And Rosser, Elisabeth, And Harré, Rom


By Grossman, Susan, Morris, Elisabeth