books by author

Shrek: Novelization

Britannica Medical and Health Annual 1991

Macromedia Studio MX 2004 All-in-one Desk Reference for Dummies (All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies S.)

Monster and the Mural (Bk. 13) (Monster Books)

Lady Monster Helps Out (Bk. 14) (Monster Books)

Very Wonderful, Very Rare - Saving the most endangered wildlife on Earth (One Shot)

A Bookshop in Paris

Dare to be Yourself (Mind Power S.)

Empathy (X-Files, Book 5) (The X-files)

Shapes (X-Files, Book 6) (The X-files)

Skillful 4 (Advanced) Listening and Speaking Teacher's Book with Digital Student's Book & Online Practice

Skillful Level 4 Listening & Speaking Student's Book Pack

Skillful Level 1 Reading & Writing Student's Book Pack

Heart on My Sleeve

Moscow Nights

Politics of Housework

With God There Is Hope: Hope For Humanity

Seriously...I'm Kidding

Sold Separately: Children and Parents in Consumer Culture (Communications, Media, and Culture)

Olivia Kidney Stops for No One

Murder Behind Locked Doors

31 Bond Street

Nora Jane and Company

Contemporary Topics 2: Academic Listening and Note-Taking Skills, Teacher's Pack

Contemporary Topics 2: Academic Listening and Note-Taking Skills (High Intermediate)

Contemporary Topics 2 (Contemporary Topics Series)

Contemporary Topics 2


Scout (Puppy Place)