books by author

Microeconomics (College Outline S.)

Depression: Finding Hope and Meaning in Life's Darkest Shadow

Mistero Buffo (Methuen Modern Plays)

Sequence Stratigraphy

An Introduction to Recombinant DNA

Humanitarian Aid and Effects (Study III) (The International Response to Conflict and Genocide: Lessons from the Rwandan Experience)

Elements of Medical Genetics

Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics

Corporate Financial Management: United States Edition

The Cognitive Neuroscience of Social Behaviour

Mother and Child Care in Art

On Purposeful Systems

Descriptive Physical Oceanography: An Introduction

AQA English Language and Literature A A2: Student Book

Aviation English. Student's Book mit CD-ROM

Elements of Medical Genetics

Instructors Manual

Medieval Houses (Discovering): 297 (Discovering S.)

Archaic Egypt (Pelican S.)

Systems Thinking

Success Built to Last: Creating a life that matters (Financial Times Series)

Principles of Intensive Care (Unibooks S.)

Who's Who in Flat Racing

The Sports Management Toolkit

Elements of Medical Genetics

Elements of Medical Genetics (Student notes)

THE START OF US: An emotional, page-turning read you won’t forget

The Names They Gave Us: Emery Lord

The Start of Me and You