books by author
Ernest Rhys
Everyman's Library
everyman's library poetry and the drama
Everyman's Library Diary of Samuel Pepys Vol One
Everyman's Library Diary of Samuel Pepys Vol Two
Everyman's Library Swift's Journal to Stella
Shorter Novels Vol 3
Poetry & Drama
Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys Volume 1
Diary of Samuel Pepys: Volume 2
Essays: Hazlitt's Lectures on the English Poets & Spirit of the Age
Everyman and Medieval Miracle Plays
poetry and the drama
Philosophy and Theology
Travel And Topography
The Ethics of Aristotle
History Froude's History of England
Essays: Hazlitt's Lectures on the English Poets & Spirit of the Age
Everyman's Library
Fiction David Copperfield
Everyman's Library
Everyman's Library
everyman's Library

Golden Treasury of Longer Poems (Everyman Paperbacks)
Atlas of Ancient & Classical Geography
The Golden Treasury of Longer Poems