books by author
et al

Year 6 (Stanley Thornes Primary Literacy)

The Courage Book of Great Sporting Teams

May - August 1996 (Guidelines)

Oxford Reading Tree: Stages 3-9: Woodpeckers Anthologies: Class Pack (60 books, 6 of each title)
Basic assessment and support in intensive care

Internet-linked Encyclopedia of World Geography Including Complete Atlas (Internet-linked Encyclopedias)

Discourse, Power, Resistance: Challenging the Rhetoric of Contemporary Education

100 More Simple Science Experiments (Fun with Simple Science S.)

History of Philosophy (Outline S.)

An Oxford University Chest

The Persuasive Image (Masters of Contemporary Photography S.)

Probate Disputes and Remedies

Amazing Grace

Fifteen Thousand Hours: A Discussion (Bedford Way Papers)

Psychology and Schooling: What's the Matter?: 25 (Bedford Way Papers)

The Psychology and Education of Gifted Children (University Paperbacks)

The Oxford Children's Dictionary

Spain (Lonely Planet Travel Guides)

Lotus Notes 4.5 Unleashed

Conflict: Bk. 2 (Hacker, G. , etc. )

Butterworths Employment Law Guide

Pharmacology for Midwives: The Evidence Base for Safe Practice

FAR EAST COOKBOOK (Popular recipe series)

Chemistry in Today's World

Hardship Britain: Being Poor in the 1990's: 82 (Poverty publication)

Cultural Atlas of the Renaissance

By Their Fruits

Manual for Social Surveys on Food Habits and Consumption in Developing Countries

Fast Moving Currents in Youth Culture