books by author

Businessman's Guide to Speechmaking and to the Law and Conduct of Meetings

The Golden Thread: The Story of Writing

Conserving Our World

Order, Concord and Constituency: Linguistic Models

Cases and Materials on the Law of Restitution

Teaching Nursing: Self Instructional Handbook

The Story Of Brunel"s SS Great Britain: The Iron Ship

Contract Law (Palgrave Professional Masters)

Wolf Country

Contract Law (Macmillan Law Masters)

Essentials of Business Law

Population Explosion (Can the Earth Cope?)

World Issues: Energy Crisis

Nuclear Power (Energy Debate)

AVCE Business Law: The Complete Guide to Grade A Success

Long Way Round

Dead Line

Law Express: EU Law (Revision Guide)

De Bello Gallico (The Gallic War): Book.1 (BCP Latin Texts): Bk.1

Safe House

The Good Thief's Guide to Paris

Impact of AIDS (Understanding Social Issues S.)

Business Law

Activity Book (Scottie Books)

Advanced GNVQ Business Law

The Demonic: Literature and Experience


One Singer, One Song

What If We Do Nothing?: Rainforest Destruction