books by author

Ewart Smith

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STP National Curriculum Mathematics: Answers Bk. 7B

By Ewart Smith, L. Bostock, A. Shepherd, F. S. Chandler, Smith, Ewart, Bostock, L., Shepherd, A., Chandler, F. S.

STP National Curriculum Mathematics Revised Pupil Book 7A: Student's Book Bk. 7A

By L Bostock, A Shepherd, F S Chandler, Ewart Smith, Brian Bostock, Representative of Audrey Shepherd, Sue Chandler

Examples in Mathematics for GCSE: Foundation Level

By Ewart Smith

Examples in Mathematics for GCSE: Higher Level

By Smith, Ewart, Ewart Smith

STP National Curriculum Mathematics Revised Pupil Book 8A: Student's Book Bk. 8A

By Bostock, L, Shepherd, A, Chandler, F S, Smith, Ewart, Chandler, Sue, Representative of Audrey Shepherd, Bostock, Brian, Smith, Ewart, L Bostock, A Shepherd, F S Chandler, Ewart Smith, Sue Chandler, Brian Bostock

Examples in Advanced Level Core Mathematics

By Smith, Ewart, Ewart Smith

ST(P) Mathematics 4A Second Edition: Bk. 4A

By Bostock, L, Chandler, F S, Shepherd, A, Smith, Ewart, L Bostock, F S Chandler, A Shepherd, Ewart Smith

Examples in Mathematics for GCSE: Intermediate Level

By Smith, Ewart, Ewart Smith

S. T. (P) Mathematics: Bk.3A: Teachers' Notes and Answers

By Unknown, A. Shepherd, L. Bostock, F. S. Chandler, Ewart Smith

Examples in Mathematics for GCSE: Foundation Level

By Ewart Smith

Examples in Mathematics for GCSE: Intermediate Level

By Smith, Ewart, Ewart Smith

STP Mathematics 8 Student Book

By Sue Chandler, Linda Bostock, Ewart Smith, Ian Bettison

STP Mathematics 7 Student Book

By Sue Chandler, Linda Bostock, Ewart Smith, Audrey Shepherd, Ian Bettison

Examples in Mathematics for GCSE: Intermediate Level

By Ewart Smith

Examples in Mathematics: Bk. 1

By Ewart Smith