books by author
F. H.

Macmillan Readers Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Beginner Reader

Readings in the Theory of Growth: Selections from the "Review of Economic Studies" (Papermacs S.)

British Intelligence in the Second World War, volume 1.: Its Influence on Strategy and Operations: v. 1

The Alchemist (University Paperbacks)

Appearance and Reality: A Metaphysical Essay (Oxford Paperbacks)

Amazing Medical People: A2-B1 (Collins Amazing People ELT Readers)

Codebreakers: The Inside Story of Bletchley Park

Cicero: "Pro Milone" (Latin Texts)

Macmillan Readers The Importance of Being Earnest without CD

Macmillan Readers Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Beginner Pack

Macmillan Readers Signalman and Ghost At Trial Beginner

Macmillan Readers Christmas Carol A Elementary Reader

Petrology of the Igneous Rocks (v. 1) (Textbook of Petrology)

The Picture of Dorian Gray: Elementary (Macmillan Readers)

The Red and The Black: Intermediate (Macmillan Readers) (Macmillan Readers S.)

Much Ado about Nothing (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)

Kon-Tiki Expedition

Remedies of English Law

A History of the World in 100 Objects

Macmillan Readers Kiss Before Dying A Intermediate Pack

Much Ado about Nothing (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)

Codebreakers: The Inside Story of Bletchley Park

Vertebrate Life