books by author
F. W.

Brodie's Notes on Chaucer's "Knight's Tale": w. parallel text (Pan study aids)

Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry

Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry

Brodie's Notes on Chaucer's "Nun's Priest's Tale": w. parallel text

Selected Poems (Poetry Bookshelf)

The Story of the Earth

The Buddha (Cambridge Introduction to World History)

Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry

Brodie's Notes on Chaucer's "Pardoner's Tale"

Alexander Pope (Critical Anthology S.)

The Christian Understanding of the Atonement

Brodie's Notes on Chaucer's "Franklin's Tale"

Environmental Analytical Chemistry 2e

Veterinary Parasitology

Guide to English Literature

Baudelaire: Les Fleurs du mal (Landmarks of World Literature)

Brodie's Notes on Chaucer's "Pardoner's Tale" (Pan study aids)