books by author

Communist Russia Under Lenin and Stalin (SHP Advanced History Core Texts)

Re-discovering Medieval Realms: Britain 1066-1500 Pupil's Book (ReDiscovering the Past)

The USA Between the Wars 1919-1941: A depth study: USA Between the Wars, 1919-41 (Discovering the Past for GCSE)

The USA Between the Wars Teacher's Resource Book: 1919-1941 (Discovering the Past for GCSE)

This Is Citizenship Book 1 Teacher's Resource Book: Bk. 1

This Is Citizenship Book 2 Pupil's Book: Pupils' Book 2

This Is Citizenship Book 2 Pupil's Book: Pupils' Book 2

This is ... Citizenship Studies: for key stage 4 and GCSE: Student's Book

This is ... Citizenship Studies: for key stage 4 and GCSE: Student's Book

Re-discovering the Making of the UK - Britain 1500-1750: Students' Book (ReDiscovering the Past)

Re-discovering the Twentieth-Century World: A World Study after 1900: Students' Book (ReDiscovering the Past)

Russia and the USSR 1905-1941: a depth study: Student's Book (Discovering the Past for GCSE)

Citizenship Education for Key Stage 3

This is Citizenship 2 Second Edition

This is Citizenship 3 Pupil Book Second Edition: Book 3