books by author

Poets of Our Time

Call Down Thunder

Things Half in Shadow
fundamental university physics volume III

Busy Builders (Campbell Busy Books, 3)
fundamental university physics volume II

Entering into the Mind of God

Busy Zoo (Campbell Busy Books, 14)

Busy Garage (Campbell Busy Books, 5)

Equestria Girls: Friendship Games (My Little Pony)

Busy Books: Busy Beach

Rudy Learns to Fly (Sparkly Christmas)

My Fairy Glade: Peep-through Play Books

Busy Books: Busy Garden

Albemarle Book of Modern Verse: v. 2 (School Library)

Busy Railway (Busy Books)

Busy Farm (Busy Books)

Advanced Exercises in Criticism

Busy Zoo (Busy Books)

Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree (My Little Pony)

Busy Garden (Campbell Busy Books, 6)

Charter Schools in Action: Renewing Public Education

My Knight's Castle: Peep-through Play Books

Mechanics Down Under: Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, held in Adelaide, Australia, 24 - 29 August, 2008.
Poets of Our Time


Running with the Kenyans: Discovering the secrets of the fastest people on earth

Domesday Book: A Collection of Contemporary Documents

Equestria Girls: Sunset Shimmer's Time to Shine (My Little Pony)