books by author

Financial Management and Decision Making

Management of Company Finance 4th E (VNR series in accounting and finance)

Student Record Bk (Life Story: Biology for School and College)

Experiment Gde (Life Story: Biology for School and College)

Tchrs' (Life Story: Biology for School and College)

Pharmacology and Drug Information for Nurses

Foundation (Active World)

The Idiot

Geology of the Manchester Area

Quantitative Stratigraphy: 1 (Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics, 1)

The Dynamic Landscape

Mathematics for Business, Finance and Economics

Life Story: Biology for School and College

Management of Company Finance

A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics: Understanding Why and How (Springer Texts in Statistics)

The Rector's Daughter (Virago Modern Classics)

Engaging Geopolitics

Use Of The Self: Use of the Self (PB)

Landforms and Hazards: Foundation (Active World)
Management of Company Finance

Management of Company Finance (The Chapman & Hall Series in Accounting & Finance)

Russian Syntax: Aspects of Modern Russian Syntax and Vocabulary

Elements of Operational Research