books by author

Inspire Maths: 4: Teacher's Guide 4A

Inspire Maths: 6: Pupil Book 6A

Inspire Maths: 6: Teacher's Guide 6B

Inspire Maths: 6: Teacher's Guide 6A

Inspire Maths: 1: Teacher's Guide 1A

Inspire Maths: 1: Teacher's Guide 1B

Inspire Maths: 5: Teacher's Guide 5B

Inspire Maths: 3: Teacher's Guide 3B

Inspire Maths: 3: Teacher's Guide 3A

Inspire Maths: 5: Teacher's Guide 5A

Inspire Maths: 4: Pupil Book 4B

Inspire Maths: 4: Teacher's Guide 4B

Telemedicine Technologies: Information Technologies in Medicine and Telehealth

Landslide (Out of this World)

Inspire Maths Pupil Book 5a

Inspire Maths: 2: Pupil Book 2A

Inspire Maths Pupil Book 5b

Inspire Maths: 6: Pupil Book 6B

Inspire Maths: Getting Started Guide 4

Inspire Maths: Getting Started Guide 5

Mutiny on Halycrus (Out of this World)

Inspire Maths: Practice Book 4 AB (Mixed Pack)

Inspire Maths: Pupil Book 2 AB (Mixed Pack)

Zone 2 Teacher Resource Book with CD-ROM (Out of this World)

Zone 3 Teacher Resource Book with CD-ROM (Out of this World)

Zone 4 Teacher Resource Book with CD-ROM (Out of this World)

Glacial Chase: Halycrus Zone 1 (Out of this World)

Lost Underground (Out of this World)

Washed Away (Out of this World)