books by author

Metamorphoses (Penguin Classics)

Wild Flowers (Nature Detective)

Insects: Identification Guide (Identification Guides)

Wildflowers of Great Britain and Europe (Junior Nature Guides)

Letts Pocket Guide to Stars and Planets (Letts pocket guides)

Letts Pocket Guide to Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Life (Letts Pocket Guides)

Letts Pocket Guide to Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Life (Letts Pocket Guides)

Wild Flowers of the British Isles and Northern Europe

Pocket Spotters Wild Flowers

Stars and Planets (Pocket Reference Guides)

Cladistics: Theory and Practice of Parsimony Analysis: the Theory and Practice of Parsimony Analysis: No.11 (Systematics Association Special Volumes)

Mary the Mother of Jesus (Popular Lenten Booklets)

Butterflies: Identification Guide (Identification Guides)

Which Tree?