books by author
Frank J.

Medical Virology

The Incredible Moving Picture Book

Modern Business Statistics

Spatial Diversity and Dynamics in Resources and Urban Development: Volume II: Urban Development: 2

Pricing Carbon: The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme

Advances in Immunology: Volume 62

The Globalization Reader

The Handbook for Digital Printing and Variable-Data Printing

Principles of Physics

The Confessions of Saint Augustine (Spiritual Masters)

Romans (Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament)

The Handbook of European Fixed Income Securities: 108 (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)

The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities, Eighth Edition (PROFESSIONAL FINANCE & INVESTM)

Theology for Beginners (Prayer & Practice S.)

Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (Princeton Legacy Library)

Born to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics, and Creative Lives

Using Networks

Never Cold Call Again!: Achieve Sales Greatness Without Cold Calling

Freud, Biologist of the Mind: Beyond the Psychoanalytic Legend

Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions: International Edition

Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions: International Edition

The Anthropic Cosmological Principle (Oxford Paperbacks)
Elements of Quantum Theory (Addison-Wesley series in chemistry)

Psychology of Work Behaviour

Modern Business Statistics

Inside Campaign Finance: Myths and Realities

Robust Portfolio Optimization and Management (Frank J. Fabozzi)

Romantic Shakespeare: Quotes from the Bard on Love and Lovers

The Globalization Reader (Blackwell Readers)