books by author
French Vivian

Paying For It

Tiger And The Jackal (Reading Together S.)

Tillie McGillie's Fantastical Chair (Sprinters)

Once Upon a Time: Big Book (Big Books)

Baker Ben

Please, Princess Primrose

Jackson's Juniors (Racers)

The Three Little Pigs (Walker Story Plays)

A Song for Little Toad

Christmas Mouse

Mary Poggs and the Sunshine (Sprinters)

Gingerbread Boy

Thistle Princess


Singing To The Sun

I Love You, Grandpa

Once Upon A Time

Three Billy Goats Gruff Rmsp

Mary Poggs And The Sunshine

The Gingerbread Boy: Story Play (Story Plays)

Tillie McGillie's Fantastical Chair (Sprinters)
A Song for Little Toad

Caterpillar Caterpillar (Read & Wonder)

Lazy Jack

The Apple Trees (Read & Wonder)

Spider Watching (Read & Wonder) (Read & Wonder S.)

Once Upon a Picnic

The Boy Who Walked on Water (Storybooks)

Christmas Kitten (Bear Hugs)