books by author

Who Woke the Animals?

Dreaming Of Dinosaurs

I Know a Rhino

BEAM Domino Bundle: Calculating Dominoes: 3

Monstrosities (Red Fox poetry)

A Home in the Snow

Friendly Day

Halving Fun with Buster Bug

It's Lovely When You Smile
Yes We Can!

The Magic Cheese

Mental Maths Flipbooks Set of Five: Mental Maths Flipbooks - At Your Desk: A Collection of Mathematical Activities for Key Stage 2 Children, Working at Their Desks in Groups or as a Whole Class: 1

Bedtime Hullabaloo

Dinosaurs!: Spot the Difference Puzzle Book

Run! Run! It's Scary Poo!

Gilbert the Great

Gilbert in Deep (Gilbert Book & CD)

Gilbert in Deep

Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball

The Barnyard Band

Sometimes I Curl Up in a Ball (Little Wombat)

Bears Don't Like Bananas

Yes We Can!

Lonely Wasp

So Slow Sloth (Picturemacs S.)

So Slow Sloth (Picturemacs S.)

Butterfly Kiss Big Book

Gilbert the Great
It's Lovely When You Smile