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Delivered to Declare (Hodder Christian paperbacks)

By Trinkle, Gabriele, Hall, David

Stirring it: Challenges for Feminism (Gender & Society: Feminist Perspectives on the Past & Present)

By Griffin, Gabriele, Roseneil, Sasha, Hester, Marianne, Rai, Shirin


By Bartz, Gabriele, Konig, Eberhard

Mechanisms of Cracking and Debonding in Asphalt and Composite Pavements: State-of-the-Art of the RILEM TC 241-MCD: 28 (RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, 28)

By Buttlar, William G., Chabot, Armelle, Dave, Eshan V., Petit, Christophe, Tebaldi, Gabriele

Teaching Mathematical Modelling: Connecting to Research and Practice (International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling)

By Stillman, Gloria Ann, Kaiser, Gabriele, Blum, Werner, Brown, Jill P.

Testing and Characterization of Sustainable Innovative Bituminous Materials and Systems: State-of-the-Art Report of the RILEM Technical Committee 237-SIB: 24 (RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, 24)

By Partl, Manfred N., Porot, Laurent, Di Benedetto, Herve, Canestrari, Francesco, Marsac, Paul, Tebaldi, Gabriele

A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe

By Doblhammer, Gabriele, Guma, Jordi

Invited Lectures from the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-13 Monographs)

By Kaiser, Gabriele, Forgasz, Helen, Graven, Mellony, Kuzniak, Alain, Simmt, Elaine, Xu, Binyan

Mathematical Modelling and Applications: Crossing and Researching Boundaries in Mathematics Education (International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling)

By Stillman, Gloria Ann, Blum, Werner, Kaiser, Gabriele

Global Dynamics of the Earth: Applications of Viscoelastic Relaxation Theory to Solid-Earth and Planetary Geophysics

By Sabadini, Roberto, Vermeersen, Bert, Cambiotti, Gabriele

Jump, Toad, Jump!: 66 (Reading Corner Phonics)

By Bryant, Ann, Antonini, Gabriele

Aesop's Fables: The Ant and the Grasshopper (Tadpoles Tales)

By Marwood, Diane, Antonini, Gabriele

How to Marbleize Paper: Step-by-Step Instructions for 12 Traditional Patterns (Other Paper Crafts)

By Grünebaum, Gabriele

Doing Business in Europe

By Suder, Gabriele

Beyond the Essene Hypothesis: The Parting of the Ways Between Qumran and Enochic Judaism

By Boccaccini, Gabriele

F*ck, That's Delicious: An Annotated Guide to Eating Well

By Action Bronson, Bronson, Action, Wharton, Rachel, Stabile, Gabriele

International Theory: The Three Traditions

By Wight, Martin, Gabriele, Porter, Brian, Roberts, Adam

The Triumph of Death (Decadence from Dedalus)

By D'Annunzio, Gabriele, Harding, G.

Meditations with Hildegard of Bingen

By Uhlein, Gabriele

Arabella's Web (Tadpoles)

By Richemont, Enid, Antonini, Gabriele

Is It Too Late?: Key Papers on Psychoanalysis and Ageing (The IJPA Key Papers Series)

By Junkers, Gabriele

Fantastic Finger Trace Mazes: Supercool Subtraction Mazes

By Casey, Catherine, Tafuni, Gabriele

Subjects without Selves: Transitional Texts in Modern Fiction (Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature): 43

By Schwab, Gabriele

Wiener Werkstatte 1903-1932

By Fahr-Becker, Gabriele, Taschen, Angelika

Villas in Dresden

By Leuthauser, Gabriele

L'Écriture arabe: Alphabet, variantes et adaptations calligraphiques

By Mandel Khân, Gabriele

Kritik des Okzidentalismus: Transdisziplinäre Beiträge zu (Neo-)Orientalismus und Geschlecht

By Dietze, Gabriele, Brunner, Claudia, Wenzel, Edith

Pingpong Neu: Arbeitsbuch 2

By Kopp, Gabriele, Frolich, Konstanze

Once Upon a Rainbow

By Eichenauer, Gabriele

Evolutionary Ethics and Contemporary Biology (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology)

By Boniolo, Giovanni, De Anna, Gabriele