books by author

My Explosive Adventure: Eliza Boom's Diary

Composting for All

Pottery (Teach Yourself)

Notes from an Exhibition

Routledge Handbook of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Perspectives from Social Science and Law

Builder's Tool Kit (Pop Out & Play)

Friendly Fire

Let's Investigate Writing Poetry

The Facts of Life

A Study Guide for Wilkie Collins's "The Moonstone"

Over 300 Games for All Occasions

Plodney Creeper Supersloth (Blue Bananas S.)

Ironworking (Album Series)

Legal Skills

My Fizz-tastic Investigation: Eliza Boom's Diary

Fantastic Football Fun Book

Girl, Aloud

Oracle Mind Games and Puzzles

Mensa Number Puzzles

Mensa Word Puzzles (Mensa adult titles)

Thinking About Psychology?

Sisley (Master Painters S.)

BTEC Level 2 First Applied Science Student Book

Three Goats Gruff and a Grumpy Troll

I Can Help: Shopping


The Facts of Life

Rough Music

Notes from an Exhibition