books by author

A-Z of Housing (Professional Keywords)

Exploring British Politics

The Brothers Karamazov

Lady into Fox

Devils (Wordsworth Classics)

Crime and Punishment: With selected excerpts from the Notebooks for Crime and Punishment (Wordsworth Classics)

AS UK Government & Politics Textbook, 2nd Edition

Principles and Politics in Contemporary Britain

The Essential Tales Of Chekhov

Exploring Writing: Strategies to Encourage and Extend Existing Skills: Year 1

Photocopiable Activity Book (Year 3 - Non-fiction Writing)

Accelerated Learning: Year 3 (Accelerated Learning S.)

Accelerated Learning: Year 5 (Accelerated Learning S.)

Time in my Life - Autobiographical Writing, A Year 6 Teacher's Book 6 (PELICAN GUIDED READING & WRITING)

Stories and Extracts from Shakespeare Year 6 Teacher's Book 5 (PELICAN GUIDED READING & WRITING)

Five Notable Inventors (Hello Reader! Level 4: Great Black Heroes)

For and Against Year 4 Teacher's Book 18 (PELICAN GUIDED READING & WRITING)

4 You Magazine Year 4 Teacher's Book 6 (PELICAN GUIDED READING & WRITING)

Developing Skills for Writing: Level 2: Supporting Children to Achieve (Developing Skills for Writing: Supporting Children to Achieve)

Developing Skills for Writing: Level 3: Supporting Children to Achieve (Developing Skills for Writing: Supporting Children to Achieve)

The Home Corner (Learning Through Play S.)

Time in my Life - Autobiographical Writing, A Year 6, 6 X Reader 6 and Teachers Book 6 (PELICAN GUIDED READING & WRITING)

4 You Magazine! Year 4, 6 x Reader 6 and Teacher's Book 6 (PELICAN GUIDED READING & WRITING)

A Handful of Hobbies (Pelican Guided Reading & Writing) Pack of six plus Teacher's Book

Descriptions from Dahl Year 5, 6 x Reader 2 and Teacher's Book 2 (PELICAN GUIDED READING & WRITING)

Settings and Cliffhangers Year 3, 6 x Reader 1 and Teacher's Book 1 (PELICAN GUIDED READING & WRITING)

How things happen in the natural world Year 5 Teacher's Book 9 (PELICAN GUIDED READING & WRITING)

Five Famous Writers (Great Black Heroes)

Five Brilliant Scientists: (level 4) (Scholastic Reader Level 4)