books by author

Paul's Letters from Prison in the Revised Standard Version (New Clarendon Bible)

Economic Theory (University Library)

Sequential Methods in Statistics , 3rd Edition: 28 (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability)

Hydrological Systems Analysis: Methods and Applications: v. 20 (Water Science and Technology Library)

Illustrated Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering: English, German, French, Dutch, Russian

Farming Systems of the World

Operational Amplifier Experimental Manual

Commentary on the Revelation of Saint John the Divine (Black's New Testament Commentaries)

Marketing (Handbooks S.)

A Book of English Poetry, Chaucer to Rossetti (Various)

A Synopsis of Anaesthesia (Synopsis S.)
Tectonics, Sedimentation and Palaeoceanography of the North Atlantic Region (Geological Society of London Special Publications)

Red Branch

Apostolic Age

Marketing (Handbook Series)

Operational Amplifiers