books by author

Catching the Moment: Photographing Wildlife in a Timeless Wilderness

World Affairs Companion: The Essential One-volume Guide to Global Issues

Rabbit Pie

The Undutchables: An Observation of the Netherlands, Its Culture And Its Inhabitants

Underwater Exploration: 601 (Achievements S.)

Golden Bats and Pink Pigeons

Schubert Song Cycles: With Thoughts on Performance

Best Dog Stories

New Noah (Armada Lions S.)

The Bag of Wind (The little greats)

Noble Descent

Who Did What

The Reader and Shakespeare's Young Man Sonnets

Clint Eastwood

The Garden of the Gods: Gerald Durrell (The Corfu Trilogy)

X Ray Picture Book of Incredible Creatures

The Chemical Helix: Make a Three Dimensional Model of the Periodic Table

The Heart of Danger

The Journeyman Tailor

Technique of Lighting for Television and Motion Pictures (Library of Communication Techniques)

The History and Topography of Ireland (Penguin Classics)

Coming Home: An Introduction to the Quakers

The Glory Boys (English Library)

The New Art of Indonesian Cookery

The New Younger Irish Poets

A Deniable Death

Theory and Practice of Group Counseling, International Edition

Theory and Practice of Group Counseling

Sun, Moon and Tides: A Collection of Working Models to Cut Out and Glue Together