books by author

War Girls

The Wedding Present

Tennis Shoes

Peas In A Pod

Picasso Perkins

A Lane to the Land of the Dead: And Other Stories of the Supernatural (Puffin Teenage Fiction S.)

Gingerbread House

Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg

Good Luck, Louisa!: Little Swan Ballet Book 6

A Lane to the Land of the Dead: And Other Stories of the Supernatural


Apricots at Midnight

Louisa The Ballerina: "Louisa's Secret", "Louisa in the Wings", "A Rival for Louisa" (Little Swan Ballet)

Stories from Jerusalem: "Golden Windows" and "My Grandmother's Stories"

My Grandmother's Stories

Sun Slices, Moon Slices (Read with S.)


Facing the Light

Magic Beans: A Handful of Fairytales from the Storybag

Hester's Story

Doll's House, The Read-Aloud (LONGMAN BOOK PROJECT)

Letters of Fire and Other Unsettling Stories

Silent Snow, Secret Snow (Young Picador)

The Contract of Mutual Indifference: Political Philosophy after the Holocaust

Other Echoes

Facing the Light


Toey (Banana Books)

A Hidden Life