books by author

Global Politics and Financial Governance

Impressionist Paintings in the Louvre (World of Art S.)

Phrases That Sell: The Ultimate Phrase Finder to Help You Promote Your Products, Services, and Ideas (BUSINESS BOOKS)

Practical Loss Control Leadership

Days of Anger (Dedalus Europe 1992-95)

Cracovie à vol d'oiseaux

L'encre du poulpe

Tobie des marais (Le Livre De Poche: Classiques): A41294 (Folio)

Nuit d'ambre: A38161 (Folio)

Le livre des nuits: A37806 (Folio)

Magnus: Prix Goncourt des Lycéens 2005: 6109599 (Romans, Nouvelles, Recits (Domaine Francais))

Le vampire

Le petit dragon

The Louvre

Aftermath: France, 1945-54 - New Images of Man