books by author

White Beech: The Rainforest Years

Les Grandes dates de l'histoire de France: Événements politiques, faits économiques et sociaux, civilisation

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: The Alexander Text

The Whole Woman

Prayers That Avail Much for Business Professionals

The Change: Women, Ageing and the Menopause

The Female Eunuch

Road God Walks



The Female Eunuch

Sex and Destiny: The Politics of Human Fertility

Prayers That Avail Much: Scriptural Prayers for Today's Issues: 3

Shakespeare: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

Poems For Gardeners

Poems For Gardeners

Prayers That Avail Much (For Mothers)
Kissing The Rod: An Anthology of 17th Century Women's Verse: Anthology of Seventeenth-century Women's Verse

Home Book of French Cookery

L'Etranger (20th Cent. Texts)

Conversations with Ogotemmêli: An Introduction to Dogon Religious Ideas (Galaxy Books)

Female Eunuch

Collins Classics – The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: The Alexander Text

Collins Classics – The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: The Alexander Text