books by author

The Rainbow

FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHER'S MARKET HANDBOO (The Freelance Photographer's Market Handbook 2009)

Stepping into Shakespeare: Practical Ways of Teaching Shakespeare to Younger Learners (Cambridge School Shakespeare)

Shakespeare's Language 150 photocopiable worksheets (Cambridge School Shakespeare)

Msn;Great Expectation Gibson Sch (Macmillan students' novels)

Christmas (You & Your Child S.)


The Dog Share

Reading Joyce's Circe: 3 (European Joyce Studies)

Joyce's Revenge: History, Politics, and Aesthetics in Ulysses

Conrad and Theory: 22 (The Conradian)

Samuel Beckett (Critical Lives)

Playing with Magnets (Science for Fun)


Social Ethics: Issues in Ethics and Society (Forum Books)

Measure for Measure (Cambridge School Shakespeare)

Handbook of Functional Dairy Products: 6 (Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals)

Basic Electricity

The New Magician's Manual

What Shall I Do Now? (What Shall I Do Today? S.)


Facts on File Dictionary of Mathematics (Facts on File science library)

I Can Cut and Stick (Usborne Playtime S.)

What Shall I Make? (What Shall I Do Today? S.)

Little Mermaid's Deep Sea Rescue (Hopscotch: Twisty Tales)

GR - RYAN'S DOG RINGO (66440) (More Literacy Links Chapter Books)

Playdough: Lots of Play Ideas for Young Children (You & Your Child S.)

Genesis: v. 1 (Daily Study Bible)

Our Food (Moonlight First Encyclopaedia S.)