books by author

Codi Pac

The Awful Birthday Present (Young Knight S.)

Santa Claus Snowed Under

Maths in Action - Intermediate 1 Teachers Book

Teachers' Resource (Bk. 1) (Maths in Action Plus)

Foundation Business (Osborne GNVQ S.)

The Awful Birthday Present (Hedgehogs S.)

The Third Young Puffin Book of Bedtime Stories (Young Puffin Read Aloud S.)

The Beautiful Take-away Palace

Handbook for Learning Support Assistants: Teachers and Assistants Working Together (Teachers and Asst Working Toge)

Brenda the Bold (Banana Books)

Metropolitan Myths

The Girls' Gang (Lions S.)

Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing

Supporting Children with Behaviour Difficulties: A Guide for Assistants in Schools (Frontiers in Finance)

Magical Topics - Maths (9-10) (Letts Magical Topics)

Story Chest

A Handbook for Special Needs Assistants: Working in Partnership with Teachers

By Faith And Daring: Interviews with Remarkable Women
Behavioural and Mental Health Research: A Handbook of Skills and Methods

Data Response Exercises for A-Level Economics

Birds of Prey (Hamlyn all-colour paperbacks, natural history)

Student's Book 1 (Maths in Action plus)