books by author

The Ufo Report 1991 (Unidentified Flying Object Report)

Access to Advanced Level Biology

Good Housekeeping Cookery Encyclopedia

Philosophy of Evolution

How to Make Masks!: Easy New Way to Make a Mask for Masquerade, Halloween and Dress-Up Fun, With Just Two Layers of Fast-Setting Paper Mache

Indian Cooking (Kitchen Library)

Soups from Amish Kitchens (Cook Books from Amish Kitchens S.)

Write on

Looking in Classrooms

Unearthly Disclosure: Conflicting Interests in the Control of Extraterrestrial Intelligence

History, Exploration & Exploitation of Oil and Gas (Historical Geography and Geosciences)

Sediment-Body Geometry and Heterogeneity (Geological Society of London Special Publications)

Starting Craft Design and Technology

Alien Liaison: The Ultimate Secret

Exciting Electrics (Design Challenge S.)

Basic Education 16-99: A Handbook for Tutors

The Ufo Report

World Mental Health: Problems and Priorities in Low-income Countries

Super Structures (Design Challenge S.)


Becoming an Effective Reading Teacher

Exciting Electrics (Design Challenge S.)

Amazing Machines (Design Challenge S.)

Super Structures (Design Challenge S.)

Mowldio Defnyddiau (Design Challenge S.)

Design Challenge: Teacher's Book (Design Challenge S.)

Amazing Machines (Design Challenge S.)

Hour of the Rose

Moulding Materials (Design Challenge S.)