books by author

PM Silver Set A Fiction (6): My Two Families PM Level 23 Set A Silver

World Coal: Economics, Policies and Prospects (Cambridge Energy and Environment Series)

Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook (Higher education series)

The Thirsty Moose (Picture Books)

Eliot's New Life

English Short Stories From 1900 To The Present

A Day with Noodles

The New Physics: For the Twenty-First Century

The National Parks of South Africa

Selection of the Best Inns and Pubs in the South East (Best Inns & Pubs Guides)

Golfing Greats - Great Britain & Ireland

The Carpenter's Shop: The Story of Christmas (Open House Books)

Sex & Violence, Death & Silence: Encounters with recent art

The Core Curriculum (Changing Perspectives in Education series)

The Frog Prince: Gift Edition (Young Reading Gift Editions) (Young Reading Series 1)

Red Watch

Introduction to Linear Algebra for Social Scientists (Unwin University Books)

Rehabilitation for Work Matters

Sound: 6 (Simple Science)

Simple Science: Slopes

Pirate Pat (Very First Reading)

The Red Spectacles Gang

123 (Touch & Learn S.)

The white badger: A true story (A carousel book)

At Home in Advent: A domestic journey from Advent to Epiphany

Complete Self-sufficiency Handbook

The Musicians of Bremen (First Reading Level 3)

Games for Children (Resource Books for Teachers)

Railway Heritage of Britain: 150 Years of Railway Architecture and Engineering