books by author

The Big Bug Book: Beetle, Bugs, Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Spiders

Starting Your Own Business: The Bestselling Guide to Planning and Building a Successful Enterprise

Your PhD Companion: A Handy Mix of Practical Tips, Sound Advice and Helpful Commentary to See You Through Your PhD

Underground: How the Tube Shaped London

Edexcel GCSE French Higher Workbook pack of 8

Edexcel GCSE French Foundation Workbook pack of 8



Possibility of Difference

Times Tables! (Pull the Tab)

Dividing Sums! (Pull the Tab)

How to Draw 101 Things that Go

How to Draw 101 Things that Go

Dinosaurs (Sticker Funny Faces)

Imagine: How We Can Reach the UK


Three Men in a Boat: To Say Nothing of the Dog (Annotated Edition)

Famous Last Words: The Ultimate Dictionary Of Quotations

Body Changes (Teen Scene)

My Father's Heart

Physical Geography (Brain Waves S.)

Victor and Hugo: Great Golden Turnip Caper: Bunglers in Crime (Victor & Hugo, bunglers in crime)

The Books the Church Suppressed: What The Da Vinci Code Doesn't Tell You: Fiction and Truth in The Da Vinci Code

You Can't be Serious: 12 Popular Reasons for Avoiding Jesus

Play and Reflection in Donald Winnicott's Writings (The Donald Winnicott Memorial Lecture Series)

New History of Christianity

The Horror of Howling Hill: Decide Your Destiny: Story 12 (Doctor Who)

Henrietta Green's Farmers' Market Cookbook

Moving Metropolis: London's Transport: A History of London's Transport Since 1800