books by author

God of a Hundred Names: Prayers and Meditations from Many Faiths and Peoples

Brighton Rock (York Notes)


THE HUMAN FACTOR Franklin Library


The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos

The Book of the Archers

Afraid (Feelings)

Angry (Feelings)

Hurt (Feelings)

Brave (Feelings)

Confident (Feelings)

Happy (Feelings)

Opening Night: Christmas Poems

I'm So Not a Pop Star

The Babysitter's Handbook

The Vintage Teacup Club

Mixed Methods in Social Inquiry: 9 (Research Methods for the Social Sciences)

N.T.C.'s Dictionary of Faux Amis

Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists: A Basis for Clinical Practice

The Little Train

Blue Skies, No Candy

The Comedians (The Great Writers Library)

Jerusalem: Holy City in Literature

Selected Works: The Heart of the Matter; Stamboul Train; A Burnt-out Case; The Third Man; The Quiet American; Loser Takes All; The Power and the Glory

Skills for Lawyers (Lpc Guides)

The Jupiter/Saturn Conference Lectures

The One About: Eight stories about God in our everyday

Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice