books by author

My Century

Tales From An Architect And An Inka

Creative Grammar Practice: Getting Learners to Use Both Sides of the Brain (Pilgrims Longman Resource Books S.)

Zur Person: Von Adenauer bis Wehner – Portraits in Frage und Antwort

The Tin Drum (Vintage War)

Middle Primary (Maths Masterpieces: Maths Skills + Puzzles = Art Masterpieces)

World Records in Chemistry

Katz Und Maus: Eine Novelle

The Diary of a Conquistador

Upper Primary (Maths Masterpieces: Maths Skills + Puzzles = Art Masterpieces)

Upper (Thinking Skills Through Comprehension: Exercises in Deductive Reasoning)

Business Watching: Understanding Business Life

The Flounder (Picador Books)

Focalguide to Portraits

Pathology and Genetics of Skin Tumours: WHO Classification of Tumours, Volume 6: 10 (IARC/World Health Organization Classification of Tumours)

Inside the Windows 98 Registry (Mps)

Pictures in Action (Language Teaching Methodology Series: ELT Classroom Techniques and Resources)

Überfälle und Wehre: Grundlagen und Berechnungsbeispiele

Remote Sensing from Space: Supporting International Peace and Security

Object-Based Image Analysis and Treaty Verification: New Approaches in Remote Sensing - Applied to Nuclear Facilities in Iran

Precision Crop Protection - the Challenge and Use of Heterogeneity

Justice, Education and the Politics of Childhood: Challenges and Perspectives: 1 (Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations, 1)

Numerical Simulation of Canopy Flows: Vol 12 (Springer Series in Physical Environment)

LYR:Tunnel, The Level 6 (Longman Readers)

Do and Understand: 50 Action Stories for Young Learners (TPR) (Photocopiable ELT Games and Activities Series)

Super Minds Level 4 Student's Book with DVD-ROM

Super Minds Starter Student's Book with DVD-ROM

Cat and Mouse

More! Level 2 Student's Book with Interactive CD-ROM: Student's Book with CD-Rom