books by author

In Our Mad and Furious City: Winner of the International Dylan Thomas Prize

The Chimpanzees of Happy Town

Wax Fruit: A trilogy - Book I, Antimacassar City - Book II, The Philistines - Book III, The Puritans.

Thunderbelle's Bad Mood (Monster Mountain)

Thunderbelle's Song (Monster Mountain)

Pierre Deux's Normandy (Living in France S.)

East Anglia and the Norfolk Broads (Howling Monkey Short Break Guides)

Badger Island (Red Fox Older Fiction)

Badger Island (Red Fox Older Fiction)

No More Mr Nice Spy: 4 (Spynosaur, 4)

Complete IELTS Bands 4–5 Student's Book without Answers with CD-ROM

Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5 Student's Book without Answers with CD-ROM

My Scottish School Trip (Barnaby Bear Edinburgh Diary S.)

Essential German Grammar

Miskin Snythely, Super Spy (Orchard Readalones)

The Giant Book Of True War Stories

Come To Tea On Planet Zum-Zee

Teaching to Learn: A Direction for Education (Cassell Education Series)

The Ice Garden: a beautiful tale of friendship, magic and the power of family

Viking Life (Snapping Turtle Guides: Ancient Life)

The Girl, the Penguin, the Home-Schooling and the Gin: A hilarious parody of The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse - for parents everywhere

Whizzy Busy People (Tom and Millie)

Charles I and Cromwell (Snapping Turtle Guides: British History)

Nouveau Guide France

Taxi!: Livre de l'eleve 2

The Disappearance (Puffin Books)

A Dictionary of Film Studies (Oxford Quick Reference)

Collins Field Guide – Birds of Britain and Europe

Berlin Games: How Hitler Stole the Olympic Dream