books by author

Mathematics Progress Papers

Out of This World

Biology (Study Aids for GCSE)

Back to Basics: Maths for 7-8 Year Olds Bk.1 Key Stage 2

Back to Basics Maths (9-10) Book 1: Bk.1 (Back to Basics S.)

Moving on in Mathematics: 9-10 Years Bk. 1

Back to Basics: Maths 7-8 Book 2: Bk. 2 (Back to Basics S.)

Mathematics 1: Progress Papers, Answer Book (Mathematics Progress Papers)

Kept in the Dark (World's Classics)

Back to Basics Maths (6-7) Book 1: Bk.1 (Back to Basics S.)

9-10 Years (Bk. 2) (Project 7-11)

Back to Basics Maths (5-6) Book 1: Bk.1 (Back to Basics S.)

Back to Basics: Maths 10-11 Book 2: Maths for 10-11 Year Olds Bk.2 (Back to Basics S.)

Crops Under Glass (Horticultural S.)

The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters

The Dark Volume (The Glass Books Series, 2)

10-11 Year Olds (Bk. 1) (Exploring Mathematics)

Statistics and Probability

Analysis of Biological Molecules: An introduction to principles, instrumentation and techniques (Institute; 4)

Words That Have Moved the World

Believing in Baptism: Christian Baptism - Its Theology and Practice (Mowbrays Christian Studies Series)

Halls and Treasures of the City Companies

The Night the Police Went on Strike

Maths for 7-8 Year Olds: Bk. 1 (Back to Basics S.)

The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters (The Glass Books Series)

Thinking Onwards: Bk. 2 (Understanding New Mathematics S.)

Mathematics Progress Papers

East African Weeds and Their Control

Rome and Medieval Culture: Selections from "History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages" (Classic European Historians)