books by author

Education In The UK: Facts & Figures, revised edn: Facts and Figures

Managing Through Organization: The Management Process, Forms of Organization and the Work of Managers (Organizational Behaviour & Management S.)

Developing Literacy Skills Student Book

Poetry Then and Now: Approaches to pre-twentieth century poetry

What's the Time? (Learning Tree 123 S.)

What's the Time? (Learning Tree 123 S.)

Dyslexia Matters (Exc Business And Economy (Whurr))

Real Lives, Real Times (New Windmills KS3)


Science or Society: The Politics of the Work of Scientists (Crucible: Science in Society S.)

Puzzles and Games (Learning Tree 123 S.)

Mona Lisa: A Life Discovered

Captain Caterpillar (The Dragon Books)

The Education Fact File

Porcupine's Pie (Help your child to count)