books by author

101 Things You Didn't Know About Jane Austen: The Truth About the World's Most Intriguing Romantic Literary Heroine: The Truth About the World's Most Intriguing Romantic Heroine

Problems in G.C.S.E. Chemistry (Science Skills)

Changing Science Book 2: Bk. 2

Southern Africa: What kind of change?

Literacy, Home and School: Research And Practice In Teaching Literacy With Parents

Walks in Nidderdale
Walks in Calderdale - 16 circular walks around Hebden Bridge (South Penine Walks - Book 2)

Walks on the North York Moors: Western Bk. 1

Walks on the North York Moors: Southern Bk. 2 (Hillside guides)

Walks in Wharfedale (Yorkshire Wales walks)
Western Peak (Walking Country S.)
Southern Pennines (Walking Country S.)

Poetry Now - One Foot in the Past