books by author

Africa: Dispatches from a Fragile Continent: Despatches from a Fragile Continent

International Primary Science Student's Book 2 (Collins International Primary Science)

Pinocchio (Puffin Books)

Pinocchio (Puffin Classics)

Twenty First Century Science: GCSE Chemistry Student Book (Twenty First Century Science Third Edition)

Twenty First Century Science: GCSE Science Foundation Student Book

Twenty First Century Science: GCSE Science Higher Student Book 2/E

Twenty First Century Science: GCSE Chemistry Student Book


Science Interact Y7: Year 7 (SCIN)

Harden: Africa - Despatches from A Fragile Conti Nent

Africa: Dispatches from a Fragile Continent

GCSE Bitesize Revision Tips

Watercolour Flower Painter's Pocket Palette: Instant visual reference on colours and shapes

Readings in Urban Education: Equality and City Schools v. 2