books by author

Challenge for the Comprehensive School: Culture, Curriculum and Community

Mr. Tickle in the Park

Mr. Silly at the Farm

Mr. Men Times Table

Little Miss Plump

Little Miss Busy Surviving Motherhood (Mr. Men for Grown-ups)

Mr. Strong

Mr. Slow

Curriculum and Assessment Reform (Modern Educational Thought)

Mr. Tall: The Brilliantly Funny Classic Children’s illustrated Series (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Mr. Men Cook Book

Mr. Uppity (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Mr. Bump: The Brilliantly Funny Classic Children’s illustrated Series (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Developmental Psychology of Music

Little Miss Naughty: The Brilliantly Funny Classic Children’s illustrated Series (Little Miss Classic Library)

Mr. Men The Christmas Party (Mr. Men & Little Miss Celebrations)

Social Relations in a Secondary School

Social Relations in a Secondary School.

Little Miss Twins: 12 (Little Miss Classic Library)

Little Miss Sunshine (Little Miss library)

Dictionary of Doodles

Sport, Power and Culture: A Social and Historical Analysis of Popular Sports in Britain

Sport, Power and Culture

Susie Squawk (Piccolo Books)

Little Miss Splendid and the House with a View

Collection Monsieur Madame (Mr Men & Little Miss): Mme Bavarde

New Ways with Macrame

Mr. Rush: 30 (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Little Miss Splendid: 11 (Little Miss Classic Library)