books by author

Academy of St. Martin in the Fields

Pugin (Lifelines)

Mental Mathematics for the Numeracy Hour

Teaching, Learning and Mathematics: Challenging Beliefs

Water (Planning for Learning Through)

L Is for Sheep: Getting Ready for Phonics (Early Years Library)

Activity Packs for Young Learners: Starters - Pupil's Pack

The Re-enchantment of Morality: Wisdom for a Troubled World

Prayers of Grief and Glory (Frank Topping)

Journeys (Planning for Learning Through)

Obstetric Anaesthesia (Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Anaesthesia)

Growth (Planning for Learning Through)

Obstetric Anaesthesia for Developing Countries (Oxford Anaesthesia Library)

Christ is Risen (Popular Christian Paperbacks)

Praying Eucharist Today

Portable Writing Desks (Shire Album) (Shire Album S.)

Reinhold Niebuhr and the Issues of Our Time (Mowbray's Christian studies series)

Morning Has Broken

Discovering Stained Glass

A Pilgrim Soul: Life and Work of Elisabeth Lutyens

Sounds (Planning for Learning Through)

Turning to Prayer

Art and the Beauty of God: A Christian Understanding (Contemporary Christian Insights S.)

Seasons of the Spirit

Sheathing the Sword: Demilitarization of Japan

Twice Upon a Time – Women Writers & the History of the Fairy Tale: Women Writers and the History of the Fairy Tale

C.S.Lewis: The Man and His God

Is There a Gospel for the Rich?: Christian Obedience in a Capitalist World
100 Clinical Problems in Tropical Medicine