books by author

American Shogun: MacArthur, Hirohito and the American Duel with Japan

Professional C# (Programmer to programmer)

Law and Society in England (Social Science Paperbacks)

Darkness, Darkness: (Resnick 12)

The Usborne Little Book of Riding and Pony Care: Mini Edition

Legends,Myths and Magic (Wessex Series)

Ash & Bone (Frank Elder Mysteries)

The New Imperialism (Clarendon Lectures in Geography and Environmental Studies)

A Light That is Shining: Introduction to the Quakers

The Island of Lost Maps

The Oxford Companion to English Literature

Scandals, Vandals and Da Vincis: Great Paintings and Their Remarkable Stories: A Gallery of Remarkable Art Tales

Bedside Jumping

Global Disorder: The Threat of World Conflict: The New Architecture of Global Security

Spitting Cobra: The Egyptian Chronicles: No. 1 (Egypt Adventures)

Passing and Shooting (Usborne Soccer School S.)

Of Caterpillars, Cats And Cattle: Poems

In Time of War

Complete A-Z Media & Communication Studies Handbook

Cosmopolitanism and the Geographies of Freedom (The Wellek Library Lectures)

In Time of War: War Poetry

Nick Dick and Who Strangled Lord Howard

Roses Sing on New Snow

Hippo's High Dive (Froglets: Animal Olympics)

Clementine Rose and the Surprise Visitor

A Brief Theology of Sport

Excel 2010 For Dummies(r)

Writing With Sources: A Guide for Students

Yoga for Every Body: A Complete Easy-to-follow Course for All Ages